blog is not trying to be the best culinary blog out there. Nor does
it even care to differentiate itself much from the already staggering
amount of existing blogs devoted to the subject.
Instead, it is meant merely as my own collection of thoughts, opinions, and
experiences in the kitchen.
picks up in no particular place in time, and begins in no portentous
or meaningful fashion. It has to begin somewhere, after all, and no particular
importance should be placed on my first post (other than the fact
that it is, in fact, my first post.)
– although I'm certain this blog will be most useful to those who
already know me, or with whom I wish to point to, reference, or
even demonstrate, something specific – it should nonetheless be
possible for the average passersby to search and access previous
posts like a recipe index. Provided there one day is enough archived
posts to warrant such a lofty claim.
now, however, it suffices as a cheery and clean forum within which I
can show off my latest culinary exploits, or post my latest culinary
short, a smattering of my culinary spatterings.